Monday, May 10, 2010


No calm down mum, I am not about to annouce you are becoming a grandmother on a blog, but I have discovered the perfect pregnancy journal for when the O'Day/Pawley baby does arrive.

This journal has no pre-printed information, so you don't need to fill out a checklist of how you are feeling, or if you happen to miss an entry it is no big deal!

You can write as often as you like, or as little, as the designer says it is your journey, it is your story, so you want a journal that can reflect that.
They are available in 4 different covers, and we will have all four in store.

Ever since I heard of the idea of writing a journal while you are pregnant, I have loved the concept, what a perfect gift to give to your child on the 18th or 21st, or perhaps even when they are expecting their first child. It is also a great chance for you to write down everything you are feeling so you can reflect on all the positivness when you are up at 3am for the 5th day in a row!

We will have these in store shortly, along with the matching bookmarks, so you can jot down names when you think of them.

1 comment:

Vari L said...

This is such a great idea! I'd have loved this during my pregnancy. My little boy just turned one on Friday and I've been keeping a journal about his first year since he has 4 weeks old. Just a little snippet of what we did that day and a photo. It would have been really nice to have started it during my pregnancy. Already I've enjoyed going back and reading the 'early days'!

Vari @ Buttercup Ink xx

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